How To Get The ‘Little Blue Pill’

Man holding the little	Blue pill Viagra

So you’re thinking of getting Viagra®. You’ve worked out your erectile dysfunction (ED) isn’t going away anytime soon and for your own peace of mind, and perhaps your partner’s, it’s time to get some expert help. Good for you. So what’s involved in getting Viagra®? Can you just go online and snap up a too-good-to-be-true deal? Borrow your mate’s batch? Well, we wouldn’t advise either option considering the amount of counterfeit Viagra® out there nor how long your mate’s had their ‘original little blue pill’ floating around their back pocket, also you need to be medically sure that Viagra® is right for you. If you want the one and only Viagra®, you’re best to go down a more professional, and safe, path – a consultation with your doctor or prescribing pharmacist.

How getting (real) Viagra® works.
The first step is to make an appointment with your doctor or pharmacist. You’ve got two options here, either have the consultation in person or alternatively online. Both involve the same 15-20 minute process. If you go in person, it’ll be in the normal consult room and if it’s at the pharmacy it’ll be a discrete area. Obviously, if it’s online there’s the convenience of being anywhere you want. Your doctor or pharmacist will start asking a relatively brief set of questions such as your age, if you’ve used an ED treatment before, what do you think is causing the problem, your medical history – just basic stuff that gives them an idea what shape you’re in. What they’ll be especially keen to find is what’s causing your ED, because it is a condition often symptomatic of an underlying medical condition, some of which can be quite serious. The last thing they want is to send you off with a boxful of Viagra® without knowing what’s causing your ED in the first place.

Part of the consult involves taking your heart rate and blood pressure (using that arm pump thingy) and then……you’re done. If everything checks out, your doctor will write out a prescription (just make sure it says Viagra® otherwise you might be offered a generic option once you get to pharmacy) and if it’s a pharmacist doing the consult, they have a process to follow and if it is all good, just pick up your Viagra® then and there.

So there you have it, a beginners guide to getting Viagra® (there’s no need for an expert guide, by the way). It really is a simple process and if you do it legit, you’ll also have peace of mind knowing you’re getting the original ‘little blue pill’ in a safe way.

To book a consult with your local pharmacist in-person or online, or get in touch with an online doctor, click here.

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