Erection problems and the tough guy syndrome

A new survey shows some men would rather do household chores than see their doctor about health conditions like erectile dysfunction, or ED for short. And if they do step inside a clinic they may withhold important information once there. The survey was performed by the Cleveland Clinic in the hope of shedding new light on men’s attitudes to health. The results were surprising…….and a little worrying.
Of the 1,174 men aged 18 years and older who responded, the study showed…
- Around 65% said they avoided going to the doctor as long as possible if they have a health symptom or injury.
- 72% said they would rather do household chores like cleaning the bathroom.
- 77% of those married or in a relationship would rather go shopping with their partner.
- 20% said they were not completely honest with their doctor about their health.
- 46% said they’re most uncomfortable talking about ‘below the belt’ issues like erectile dysfunction.
It’s believed the reasons men have such a tough time seeing their doctor is due to factors such as denial (we convince ourselves our condition will improve on its own), fear (we worry about a bad diagnosis or a bad outcome) and vulnerability (we need to appear capable of handling anything). This attitude is particularly problematic when dealing with sensitive issues like erectile dysfunction, a condition affecting around 300,000 kiwi men. What’s equally concerning is that erection problems are often the result of a serious underlying health issue like heart disease, high cholesterol or diabetes.
That’s why it’s so important to see your doctor or prescribing pharmacist early about any health issue causing concern, ED or otherwise. You’ll get a better idea what’s going on and how to treat it and that will hopefully mean more peace of mind. So make the appointment and maybe leave the ‘tough guy’ persona at the door. A quick check up can’t be worse than cleaning the toilet can it?
To find out more about ED or to see a doctor or prescribing pharmacist about getting Viagra®, click here.
1 2019 Cleveland Clinic MENtion It® Survey Results Overview. Accessed 22 Oct 2021 2 Quilter M et al. Male Sexual Function in New Zealand. Journal of Sexual Medicine. Oct 2014; 14:928-936